Meet Vicki
Thirty five years ago Vicki began her transformational adventure. She personally experienced the pain, sorrow and helplessness of witnessing someone she loved very much loose them self to the tragic disease of addiction. While looking for answers to her own experience, she was drawn to Counseling. She completed the Certified Addiction Course (CAC) offered at the University Of Utah Graduate School Of Social Work and worked at an International Psychiatric Hospital as a Drug and Alcohol Counselor. She was fortunate to work in many areas of counseling such as a Family Coordinator and Aftercare Counselor along with being certified in Ropes Experiential Adventures.
It was during this time that Vicki realized addictions are symptoms of a far greater concern. In the book, The Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton, he illuminates the power of our belief systems. Most of humanity has a
hodgepodge of beliefs. Some of which are very functional and empowering. However, some are limiting and destructive. The evolution of spirit is to become of aware of who we THINK we are.
Over the past 35 years, Vicki has intuitively created and facilitated retreats and workshops that are designed to assist the awakening of spiritual beings. All retreats are spiritually based and provide opportunities for participants to do their own introspections and transformation.
Vicki certified with Dr. Brian Weiss in past life regressions. She studied three years at the Caroline Myss Education Institute (CMED) and certified in Sacred Contracts and Archetypal Reading. She has studied at the Naropa University and has taken many classes in Transpersonal and Integral Psychology. She has a Bachelors, Master's and Doctorate degrees in both Metaphysical Science and Divinity. She, also, is and ordained non-denominational Minister.
A Letter from Vicki to You,
If you are reading this, you have probably noticed some changes in your life. Often the changes that we first begin to experience can be frightening. For some, the changes begin as slowly as a shift in perception. For others, a critical life experience is the motivating force; like a divorce, financial crisis, or possibly the death of a loved one.
Several years ago I began noticing the need for spiritual healing. The first retreat I created thirty five years ago was Inner Child. I met a woman at a Carolyn Myss workshop that asked me if Inner Child work was still being done. I was surprised because healing the child in each of us is essential baseline work. If we continue to carry wounds, resentments and anger from our past that toxic residue will contaminate any current progress and goals. Past wounds get in the way of our ability to trust ourselves as well as others. All of our relationships depend on healing the child within each of us. As we heal the child we open a gate to a far greater awareness and spiritual awakening.
Humanity is awakening to a vast new frontier of spiritual evolution. We are evolving within our own skin into multi-sensory and multi-dimensional paradigms. Those of us who work in this field are amazed at the evolution that is taking place. Most of the people that I see are aware of the shift taking place within them; however, often they are a bit confused. It is not uncommon for new people to look at me and say, "I really don't know why I am here." At this point, I know why as if there is a timer set in each one of us and when the bell starts to go off we need a coach to assist us in the process of waking up to our highest potential. If we try to ignore the bell, life has a way of getting more and more difficult not to punish us but just to get our attention. You are reading this and your bell has been going off. It is time to step into your most exciting and excellent journey of spiritual awakening.
Over twenty years ago, my husband, partner and best friend passed away. His death was sudden and unexpected. I was suspended in a vortex that threatened to pull me under. For several months, I struggled with the grief and the ecstasy of being so close to someone who had just crossed over. So many amazing experiences were happening to me and I was, also, in such incredible pain.
I was searching for direction and assistance to deal with my experience. I began taking classes and doing workshops with James VanPragg, Brian Weiss, Carolyn Myss, David Whyte, Ram Dass, Raymond Moody just to mention a few. I have studied the collective works of Ken Wilber and Intergral Psychology. I have loved delving into physics and books by Stephen Hawking and Gregg Braden. I have studied religions and mystics. My search has been to gather information, data and ceremony that will assist the process of awakening.
Twenty five years ago, I was fortunat to be taught Native American ceremony by a wonderful teacher, Buddy "Silverwolf" Cannon, a Choctaw Medicine Man from Louisiana. I share his teaching in several of my retreats. Native ceremonies are especially healing in our culture. My work is eclectic in that I bring together the best of many cultures to assist in the process of Transpersonal Psychology.
I know that we are all energy and the frequency that we vibrate at gives us our perception. Depressed, angry, resentful, addicted or fearful people vibrate at lower frequencies. Therefore, their perception is one of fear. As we begin to heal, our vibration quickens. Our perception broadens. In short, our world changes.
I assist willing souls in this most excellent adventure through retreats, workshops, group gatherings and one on one sessions. I hope to meet you soon and welcome any questions you may have.